Monday 15 April 2013

Vivien Yap: Evaluation Question 7

 Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?

Looking at our Preliminary Task, we learnt that filming a conversation between two people should not change from the left and then the right of the person as the cuts change from one person to another.

We did not use a tripod at first, which then turned our disastrous when it came to editing the clip. By watching our rough cut we spot many mistakes and we were determine to mend these mistakes as a group.
Also to use a tripod,or the video would not turn out as professional as you thought it would be like our rough cut.
Also to Reduce the surrounding sounds in the clip so the music score can be heard.
The teamwork went really well, i am happy to be working with my team members as well allocated a role and together made the coursework efficient enough and also the support we all received.
management was perfect at the start but gradually died off when we did not use the tripod.
My editing skills have improved hugely and i feel like i have learn a lot during this coursework and next time i should try and notice the small problems such as the framing during the filming process and hopefully improve and learn more.
But overall everything else went according to our plan.

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