Monday 15 April 2013

Vivien Yap: Evaluation Question 6

What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

Technology is important when producing our Thriller opening sequence. My main role for this coursework was to use After Effects. After countless tries from the group, i was able to understand some basics and was able to master how to add effects.
Using YouTube tutorials to guide me through the software and mastering some tools to produce the animated  Uncut Productions Ace Pictures and Forever Hold Your Piece. Technology allows me access help in a particular software much easier and the idea of Web 2.0 allowing us to upload videos and share our skills is flexible. Finding YouTube tutorials by myself helps me learn more about digital technology and gives me the power as an individual user to use those skills for personal use. I am really grateful and lucky to have this sort of technology to teach myself to use a complicated software. Not having to rely on the teacher, i can research and develop new skills in my own way, the power of Web 2.0.

The work of Ace Pictures was my favourite part of my animation skills. I was really happy to have achieved what i was aiming for which seemed impossible to do. With the help of the YouTube clip and also the software itself, i can experiment and check if i am doing it right is simple and few mistakes occur. The only mistake i have found is the shadows that should have appeared as the logo of the spades spins outwards. But overall i still am really proud of this and i am hoping to understand it more in the future.

In my opinion, iMovie was much easier than After Effects. iMovie is a software which is non-linear editing tool, allowing us to import clips and editing the clips at any point of the sequence, we can leave gaps, comeback to fill them in again which impacts on our filming schedule much easier and also responding to our audience research we did.

Also the cameras we used help us bring the group together. Although i did not use the camera as much as my team member in charge of the camera, we were able to work as a team to spot mistakes as the filming process happened. Using the Canon Legia High Definition DV camera built in memory we can carry it everywhere without any issues, also filming in high quality built into the camera. Portable yet easy to use when explained the basics. Not only that but techology allows us to connect it to the Mac computers where the import takes place where the editing takes place.

Comparing our technology to what the past have done is a huge difference. A sign that technology is rapidly increasing as more new discoveries are found to make lives of people much easier. With a computer we can experiment and it is less time-consuming. Even though it makes editing easier, losing data of our work is the trouble we need to consider. Remember to save a copy somewhere! The production process costs are cheaper, receiving, importing and exporting files are faster by using a memory stick, access to information is simple by using Web 2.0, experimentation are endless as long you save another copy and testing things out can be redone again and the creativity is more broad and there many ways of changing your ideas.

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