Sunday 14 April 2013

Hikmat Mohammed - Question 7 - Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?

Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?

Since our preliminary task, I feel we have traveled long and hard to get to where we are now. We knew nothing about story-boarding, planning, and using a camera. However, this journey has successfully taught us how to do those.


Story-boarding has showed me how vital it is to have a plan before shooting because, the storyboard is a clear guide to what needs to be done, without a storyboard you are left wasting value-able time when you could be editing or blogging. The preliminary task showed me how smoothly can go when you have instructions. However, for the real product, I felt as if the story boarding was more important than the preliminary task because the duration of our product was longer. Along the way, sometimes we did not use the story-board and took chances as we spotted them, such as the mirror scene when our protagonist goes up the stairs was not originally part of the plan.

The story-boarding also showed us the importance of location, location, location! For the preliminary task, we planned a jump-cut, and we had filmed our preliminary task between two days, the room we used on the first day of filming was not available, therefore we used another room, and we managed to make it look continuous.

Story-boarding and planning wise I think we have progressed a huge amount because we had already done it, and were focused for the second time we were much better.

The hardest part of planning was when to shoot as we all had busy schedules. We created a shooting plan which we tried to run by as much as we could but, most of the time it did not work out because other things popped up, in the end we managed to film successfully and hand in the work at the right day. For our preliminary task we did not have a shooting schedule which I personally think made it harder for us for the thriller opening project.


I feel I have learnt the most about editing since the preliminary task because when we did the preliminary task, all we had to do was cut the clips and put them together. Whereas, in the final product, we changed the clips around and could make the opening sequence different what we had planned and tested whether it worked or not. In the final product, I also learnt how to edit sound out whilst having another sound playing.

The 180 Rule:-

I realized after watching my preliminary task at the beginning of the course that we broke the 180 degrees rule. I now know to always look over clips before putting them together, with new technology programmers such as i-Movie allows the consumer to analyse what they have created. As the course went on, we learnt more about the rules of camera.

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