Sunday 14 April 2013

Georgia Wright Evaluation Activity 1

In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products? (i.e. of film openings)

Special effects.
How the characters are introduced.

Our introduction of our main protagonist was a little unconventional compared to other thrillers in the way that there wasn’t a huge amount of ambiguity.
We revealed his identity quite early on and then filmed the rest of the film in clear daylight, rather than a dark and gloomy setting.
Although some of our audience research said that the daylight didn’t particularly work, we liked the fact that we were challenging conventions and feel it represented our character well.
We wanted a contrast between the darkness of the inside scenes and the brightness of the outside scenes to show the difference between the two worlds he lives in.
With the ongoing theme of him “merging” with society, it would not have been right to re shoot the scenes at night and would have allowed the character to appear more sinister and threatening than we wanted.

 Title font and style.
Title of the film.
Costume and props.
Story and how the opening sets it up:

"Charles Drake, there are many of his kind but, he is the incomparable out of the share. An assassin brought up to live and die by the gun, has had enough. Drake is now on the run to escape from The Initiative, the secrets he carries can annihilate them once and for all. Charles is accompanied by the bullet of his gun, Lola Drake, his wife and childhood love. Their only goal is to rise from the past, and to be on top." 

Our opening sets up our treatment in the sense that it both shows his physical journey between the two lives he leads, and his emotional journey also. At the end of the film we see his mentality deteriorate as the world around him becomes too much to handle, both setting the story and leaving the audience wanting more.

Camera work and editing.

Genre and how the opening suggests it.

I think our group did a great job at being a happy medium between both challenging and following the conventions of a thriller.

Our soundtrack provided an eery and serious tone for the film, but the clear bright daylight challenged the idea of ambiguity. Although our character still remains somewhat mysterious by the end of the film, his face and his attire are plain to see. 

The beginning of the piece is where the thriller genre is most presented. We used a lot of black and dim lighting to provide suspense and mystery, whilst using the drama lighting to add a little bit of red, connoting violence and anger - Typical themes of a thriller, and foreshadowing the events in our story.

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